Does the Awaken Healthy Plan Really Work?

As a food “blogger” I like to eat. I put blogger in quotes because it’s an excuse to eat, and no one pays me to blog about it. LOL

I wouldn’t say I’m a huge eater, meaning I don’t pile my plate with food. I’m more of a variety eater, where I try lots of different restaurants and types of foods. I literally plan my weekends around where I’m going to eat!

I was pretty fit when I was younger. But as I’ve reached 50 I can’t say I am now. I do like to take walks with my neighbor, but it’s not every day.

I can remember having just turned 42 and stepping on a scale at the doc’s office and hearing him tell me I’ve put on 28 pounds since I was 39. Whoops!

That weight sneaks up on you. You start to notice little issues, like ankle pain. You develop moobs (man-boobs), which move quite a bit. But mostly you feel the lack of energy. I used to want to go out and hike on a Saturday, now I’d rather see what’s streaming on TV.

When my niece poked her finger into my gut at my brother’s birthday party, it was pretty embarrassing. It was also a wake-up call that other people noticed my weight gain.

So, I started looking at a way to at least stop the weight accumulation, but I wasn’t about to go to the gym. I found the Awaken Healthy Plan one day while sitting on my couch watching YouTube.

I decided I would try it, mostly because it seemed to fit what I wanted, which was to avoid a workout plan. Because I’m not giving up my restaurants!

You can’t go into it thinking you don’t have to do ANYTHING. You do have to integrate a 3-minute routine (or longer if your Method requires it), but it is still less than 10 minutes no matter what. The science in the program is backed up with research, so you aren’t flying blind.

It actually makes my blood boil a little bit to know that this science exists, the routine is so easy, and yet popular medicine refuses to discuss it here in the West.

My weight loss has gone in the right direction and my energy is off-the-charts. Now my Saturdays are spent out in nature and then a visit to a new restaurant in the evening!

I can’t speak for everyone else, but I am very happy to have tried this and found the missing piece in my health. If you want something simple, this is it. I recommend it.

Published by johnsbloomberg51

I am John, and write for I love to travel and do things outside like hiking or sitting in a coffee shop. The best thing about the blog for me is the ability to discuss anything, from personal life to current events.

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